Getting Away with Diaspora: Scotland and South Africa in Zoë Wicomb’s The One that Got Away
Questo articolo analizza le implicazioni legate alla diaspora nella narrativa di Zoë Wicomb, scrittrice nata in Sudafrica e migrata in Scozia durante l’apartheid. Appartenenza alla terra d’origine e radicamento in quella di adozione vengono tematizzati nella sua narrativa, dove si caratterizzano in modo tale da rivelare la costruzione ideologica dei concetti di ‘nazione’ e ‘casa’. Mi soffermerò in particolare sulla seconda raccolta di racconti di Wicomb, The One that Got Away (2008), con la sua doppia ambientazione in Sudafrica e Scozia.
DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-5
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Bloodlines and Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story and Playing in the Light. Jaspar K. Singh & Rajendra Chetty eds. Trauma, Resistance, Reconstruction in Post-1994 South African Writing. New York: Peter Lang, 27-40.
Richter, Virginia. 2011. Zoë Wicomb’s Ghosts: Uncanny Translocations in David’s Story and The One That Got Away. Safundi. Journal of South African and American Studies, 12, 3-4: 373- 388.
Wicomb. Zoë. 1987. You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town. London: Virago.
Wicomb. Zoë. 2000. David’s Story. Cape Town: Kwela Books.
Wicomb. Zoë. 2004. Setting, Intertextuality and the Resurrection of the Postcolonial Author. Alessandra Contenti, Maria Paola Guarducci & Paola Splendore eds. Step Across This Line: come si interroga il testo postcoloniale. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 13-23.
Wicomb. Zoë. 2006. Playing in the Light. London-New York: The New Press. Wicomb. Zoë. 2008. The One That Got Away. Roggebaai: Umuzi.
Wicomb. Zoë. 2014. October. London-New York: The New Press.
Figure 1 – Doulton Fountain,Glasgow by Jacqueline Banerjee [accessed on 31 July, 2015]
Figure 2 - Doulton Fountain (detail), Glasgow by Fergus Murray (courtesy of the author).
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