Slovenian Diasporic Literature: The Case of Jože Žohar

Igor Maver (Università di Ljubljana)


The article thematically and stylistically analyzes the verse written by the Slovenian migrant poet from Australia, Jože Žohar, in the Slovenian language, which has only been published in Slovenia. The poet shows a great gift for poetic experimentation and tries to reconcile in himself the dividedness between the two “Homes”, Slovenia and Australia.


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Maver, Igor. 1992. “Slovene Immigrant Literature in Australia: Jože Žohar’s Aurora Australis”. In The Making of a Pluralist Australia 1950-1990. Werner Senn & Giovanna Capone (eds). Bern: Lang, 161-168.

Maver, Igor. 2002. “Slovene Migrant Literature in Australia”. In Acta Neophilologica 35,1-2, 5-11.

Maver, Igor. 2004. “Jože Žohar, Slovenski Izseljenski Pesnik med Prekmurjem in Avstralijo” (Jože Žohar, a Slovenian Migrant Poet between the Prekmurje and Australia). In Jože Žohar Obiranje Limon. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Založba, 71-75.

Žohar, Jože. 2004. Obiranje Limon (Lemon-Picking). Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Založba. Žohar, Jože. 1995. Veku Bukev (To the Crying of Beeches). Murska Sobota: Pomurska Založba.

Žohar, Jože. 1990. Aurora Australis. Ljubljana: Mladinska Knjiga.

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