In conversation with David Malouf

Eleonora Goi (Università di Udine)



Malouf, David. 1975. Johnno. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.

Malouf, David. 1980. An Imaginary Life. Woollhara: Picador Pan Books.

Malouf, David. 1982. Child’s Play. London: Chatto & Windus.

Malouf, David. 1982. Fly Away Peter. London: Chatto & Windus.

Malouf, David. 1984. Harlands Half Acre. London: Chatto & Windus.

Malouf, David. 1991. Opera, the most contemporary art. Australian Book Review 11, 1991, 25-29.

Malouf, David. 1993. Remembering Babylon. London: Chatto & Windus.

Malouf, David. 1996. The Conversations at Curlow Creek. Toronto: Alfred Knopf.

Malouf, David. 2009. Ransom. Sydney: Knopf/Random: House.

Panikkar, Raimond. 2009. The Rhythm of Being. New York: Orbis Books.

Wright, Judith. 1960. Birds. Sydney: Angus & Robinson.


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