The Sea has Many Voices. The Fluid Mother-Goddess World in David Malouf’s Ransom

Antonella Riem Natale (Università di Udine)


Questo saggio si basa sull’approccio critico del Partnership Studies Group (PSG, Università di Udine), che applica il modello della partnership di Riane Eisler ai testi letterari e si focalizza sui valori di cura, empatia e creatività – spesso descritti in  modo stereotipato come ‘femminili’ – nel romanzo Io sono Achille (2010) di David  Malouf. Illustrerò come in Io sono Achille Malouf parli di uomini, violenza e morte mentre rivela con grazia un diverso approccio alla vita, più sensibile e sensato, che aggiunge una dimensione di partnership, collegata alla figura della Dea, alla storia di  Omero di guerra, orgoglio e dolore, andando al di là della violenza epistemologica dei sistemi androcratici/’dominatori’. Questo modo più equanime di vivere è uno dei fondamenti dell’opera di Malouf.


(the sign * marks works published within PSG research projects)

Davidson, Jim. 1983. Sideways from the Page. Melbourne: Fontana Books.

Donna, Wilshire. 1994. Virgin, Mother, Crone: Myths and Mysteries of the Triple Goddess. Rochester (VT): Inner Traditions.

Eason, Cassandra. 2001. The Complete Book of Women’s Wisdom. London: Piatkus. Eisler, Riane. 1987. The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

______________. 1996. Sacred Pleasure. Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body: New Paths to Power and Love. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

______________. 2000. Tomorrow’s Children. Boulder (CO): West View Press.

______________. 2002. The Power of Partnership. Novato (CA): New World Library.

*_____________. 2007a. The Goddess as Metaphor in the Cultural Transformation Theory. In   Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora and Maria Renata Dolce ed.: 23-37.

______________. 2007b. The Real Wealth of Nations. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Graves, Robert. 1961. The White Goddess. London: Faber & Faber [1966, amended and enlarged edition, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux].

Harding, M. Esther. 1971. Woman’s Mysteries. A Psychological Interpretation of the Feminine Principle as Portrayed in Myth, Story and Dreams. New York: Harper & Row.

Homer. Iliad. 1998. Bernard Knox ed. Translated by Robert Fagles. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Loye, David and Riane Eisler ed. 1990. The Partnership Way. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

Indyk Ivor. 1993. David Malouf (Australian Writers). Oxford: University Press. Malouf, David. 1975. Johnno. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.

_____________. 1980. An Imaginary Life. Woollhara: Picador Pan Books.

_____________. 1982. Child’s Play. London: Chatto & Windus.

_____________. 1985 Fly Away Peter. London: Chatto & Windus.

_____________. 1990, The Great World, London: Chatto & Windus.

_____________. 1996. The Conversations at Curlow Creek. London: Chatto & Windus.

_____________. 2009. Ransom. Sydney: Knopf, Random House.

_____________. 2010. Io sono Achille. Milano. Frassinelli. Translated by di Francesca Pe’. A cura di Franca Cavagnoli.

Neilsen, Philip. 1990. Imagined Lives. A Study of David Malouf. St. Lucia: Queensland University Press.

Riem Natale, Antonella. 1988b. The Labyrinths of the Self. Leichhardt: FILEF Italo- Australian Publications.

*__________. 2004a. Partnership and Literary Research: A Hypothesis for Postcolonial Criticism. In Buchholz Miroslawa ed. 2004: 11-28.

*__________. 2007b. Journeys in the Goddess Cosmic Dance. In Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora and Maria Renata Dolce ed. The Goddess Awakened. Udine: Forum, 15-21.

*__________. 2007a. Archetypes of Partnership and the Goddess: the Human Spiritual Journey in David Malouf’s The Conversations at Curlow Creek. Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora and Maria Renata Dolce ed. The Goddess Awakened. Udine: Forum, 57-71.

*__________. 2010a. “Tuning into the Sound of Imagination: David Malouf’s “Typewriter Music”“. In Riem Natale, Antonella and Angelo Righetti ed.: Drops of Light Coalescing. Udine: Forum, 211-222.

*__________. 2010b. ““The Only Speaker of his Tongue:” David Malouf and Endangered Languages and Id-Entities”. In Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora, Maria Renata Dolce and Stefano Mercanti ed. Partnership Id-Entities. Udine: Forum, 19-29.

*__________(a cura di). 2004b. Altri segni, altre voci. Udine: Forum.

* Riem Natale, Antonella and Roberto Albarea ed. 2003. The Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm. Udine: Forum.

* Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora and Maria Renata Dolce ed. 2007. The Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education. Udine: Forum.

* Riem Natale, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora, Maria Renata Dolce and Stefano Mercanti ed. 2010. Partnership Id-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-Inscription/s of the Feminine. Udine: Forum.

Sjoo, Monica and Barbara Mor. 1987. The Great Cosmic Mother. Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Stone, Merlin. 1976. When God was a Woman. San Diego: Harvest Book.

World Literature Today. special number, Autumn 2000. David Malouf The Neustadt International Prize dor Literaturee’s 16th Laureate.

Walker, Barbara. 1988. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, San Francisco: Harper & Row.


PSG Selected Bbibliography

Albarea, Roberto e Alessandra Burelli (a cura di). 2006. Sostenibilità in educazione. Udine: Forum.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. 2004. Sharing Reflection and Awareness: Learning to Teach English as a Foreign Language. Udine: Forum.

De Luca, Anna Pia and Alessandra Ferraro ed. 2005. Shaping History: l’identità italocanadese nel Canada anglofono. Udine: Forum.

De Luca, Anna Pia and Deborah Saidero ed. 2001. Italy and Canadian Culture: Nationalisms in the New Millennium. Udine: Forum.

Dolce, Maria Renata. 2004. Le letterature postcoloniali e il canone. Lecce: Pensa. Mercanti, Stefano. 2006. L’India dell’immaginazione nei racconti di Raja Rao. Udine: Forum.

________________. 2009. The Rose and the Lotus. Partnership Studies in the Works of Raja Rao. New York/Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Trevisan, Piergiorgio. 2009. Towards a Stylistic Approach to Character in Literature. Udine: Forum.

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