Thieme, John, University of East Anglia, Regno Unito
N° 18 (2018): “Always on the other side”: Migrations and Shape-Shifting Identities in Anglophone Literatures - Poetiche
In Memoriam: Wilson Harris
Abstract PDF -
N° 18 (2018): “Always on the other side”: Migrations and Shape-Shifting Identities in Anglophone Literatures - Interviste
The Legacy of Conquest: In Conversation with Sir Wilson Harris
Abstract PDF -
N° 17 (2017): Living Together on this Earth: Eco-Sustainable Narratives and Environmental Concerns in English Literature/s - Articoli
From the Personal Heresy to Ecocriticism: Moving Canons, Creating Reading Communities
Abstract PDF -
N° 16 (2016): Sacred Journeys: Exploring Literature at the Intersection of Aboriginality, Sexuality, Nature and Spirituality - Poetiche
Seeing the World Anew: Thanks to Veronica Brady
Abstract PDF -
N° 22 (2022): Brave New Words: Healing Narratives and Inclusive Worlds Beyond Domination - Recensioni
Ecosustainable Narratives and Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English
Abstract PDF