Brady, Veronica, Università dell’Australia dell’Ovest, Australia
N° 5 (2007): Partnership Tapestries - Poetiche
In memory of our friend and colleague Bernard Hickey who is now merrily dancing with angels
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N° 5 (2007): Partnership Tapestries - Articoli
Borders, identity and the question of Australia
Abstract PDF -
N° 8 (2010): Words in Dialogue: Languages, Cultures and Literatures - Articoli
All that is solid melts into air: Australia's future?
Abstract PDF -
N° 1 (2003): La letteratura della globalizzazione - Articoli
Australia the Land of Similes: The Feminine Economy
Abstract PDF -
N° 3 (2005): Lontano da dove? Voci e narrazioni dal mondo glocale - Articoli
To reinvent the world? The hope of being true to the Earth
Abstract PDF